GROUP 8
1.    Agsama Frika Masrulih         (1021711001)
2.    Cicilia Indah S                        (1021711014)
3.    Eka Lidia Sari                          (1021711018)
4.    Tutik Nayah                           (1021711060)
5.     Wita Wijaya                          (1021711064)
6.    Yuninda Amalia Vega            (1021711067)
7.    Nuning Nailatu Rokhmah     (1021711045)


1.1 Abstraction
               Eating is a very important need for human survival. These needs can be reviewed from the diet that is applied. If our diet is not balanced with the needs of the food body there are many impacts. One of them, causing the lack of body performance is the nutrient content such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water where the portion consumed in accordance with the calories (energy) required in the activities per day. This diet can prevent various dangerous diseases that can affect our body. Healthy foods that we consume give positive things for the health of the body. Just like the perfect 4 healthy 5 foods. To maintain the balance of the body can be done by consuming foods containing nutrients such as carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, mineral, and water and rich in nutrients. Knowledge about the food needed by the body we need to consider starting from the terms, characteristics, benefits, content contained in every food we consume and its function. It affects the balance and energy of calories needed to keep the body healthy. If we do not pay attention to the needs of the body then the body will easily get sick.
Keywords: healthy eating, nutrient content, calories.
1.2 Introduction
               Praise be to the presence of God Almighty who has given us all kinds of favors, so the activity of life that we live will always bring blessings, good life in nature of this world, even more so in hereafter life, so that all aspiration and hope that we want to achieve becomes easier and more rewarding.
The author is well aware, in the preparation of this paper is still far from perfection and many shortcomings, both in terms of grammar and in terms of consolidation to teachers and friends, who sometimes just obey personal egoism, for that I hope if there is criticism and constructive suggestions to better refine our term papers.
The greatest hope of the compilation of this paper is, hopefully what this author of the collection is full of benefits, both for personal, friends, and others who want to take or refine again or take the wisdom of this paper in addition to adding the reference has been there.
1.3 Healthy Food
1. Understanding healthy food
               According to Hulme, "healthy food" is food in the real sense and able to enjoy the food. A healthy diet should consist of main meals and supplementary foods. Healthy foods are also known as 4 and 5 perfect. Healthy foods are foods that meet health requirements and if eaten do not cause disease and poisoning. While nutritious foods are foods that contain substances that are needed by the body in sufficient quantities. In addition, healthy foods can be interpreted diverse foods, nutritious, and balanced, and safe when consumed. Nutritious food should contain energy, builders, and regulators in a balanced amount. While balanced foods are foods that have nutritional content in accordance with the required nutritional intake. The balanced diet in question must have nutrient content that includes: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. The following are provided healthy food pyramids:

Understanding the Food Pyramid (Balanced Nutrition) - What is meant by Nutrition according to the Indonesian dictionary is the staple food necessary for growth and body health. Balanced Nutrition is usually described by the form of Food Pyramid is a daily diet that contains nutrients in types and quantities appropriate to the needs of the body, taking into account the principle of diversity or variations of food, physical activity, hygiene and ideal body weight.
Depth in Food Pyramid
·         First Level
The first level or basic level is in a healthy food pyramid is to maintain ideal body weight and exercise routine. Both of these elements greatly affect the quality of our healthy life. One of the reasons for the importance of sports is to use the simple rules as below:
"Weight Changes equal to Incoming Calories minus Exit Calories".
·         Second Level
Water holds a very important role in the human body. In the human body, water serves as the builder of cells and body fluids, regulators of body temperature, solvents of other nutrients and as aids in the process of digestion. In one day, our bodies need 8 glasses of water or the equivalent of 2 liters of water.
·         Third Level
The third level is foods that are a source of high carbohydrates such as Rice, Potatoes, Bread, Biscuits, Corn and Ubi. These foods are usually called staple foods that are usually consumed 3 to 8 servings a day.
·         Level Four
The fourth level of the Food Pyramid is the vegetables and fruits that are the source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Vegetables should be consumed from 3 to 5 servings while fruits can be consumed 2 to 3 servings a day.
·         Fifth Level
The fifth level are foods that are a good source of protein both vegetable protein and animal protein. Vegetable protein is a protein derived from plants such as nuts and processed foods (tempeh, tofu). While Protein Hewani is Protein derived from animals such as beef, fish, chicken, eggs and dairy products. Protein foods (vegetable and animal) should be consumed 2 to 3 servings each day.
·         Highest Level (Peak)
Highest level or Peak position are foods whose level of consumption should be limited. This is because the level of need for these foods is very low. These foods include Salt, Sugar and Oil.
1.3 Food function for the body
Function of food is not just to eliminate hunger, but more important is to get energy, get substance builder for body cells, enhance body resistance to disease, and to guarantee smooth all kinds of process happening in body. For that, food consumed every day should contain elements of energy producers, builders of cells, and regulate all kinds of processes in the body. In accordance with its usefulness, the food that goes into the body can be grouped as follows:
a.       Food as a source of energy, especially containing hydrate char.
b.      Food as a source of building substances, used as the formation of new tissue cells, the formation of red blood cells, white blood cells, and immune substances or antibodies.
c.       Food as a source of regulating substances, absolutely necessary even very little.
1.4  Healthy food traits
1)      Low salt and MSG, the use of flavor many on the market make food tasty and delicious, but that does not mean healthier.
2)      Many contain vegetables or fiber.
3)      No / little use of preservatives. Any material pack foods generally use preservatives, such as bouillon, canned food etc.
4)      Using low cooking oil.
5)      Not contain coconut milk.
6)      Not too spicy.
7)      Contains nutrition.
a) The source of energy, contained in carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
v  Fat
Fat is an energy-dense substance, in which its energy content doubles carbohydrates and proteins. Sources of food sources of fat: fatty meats, margarine, cooking oil, jerohan, cheese, and others. (Dept Kes Kes, 2003). Fat functions include:
· Establish body tissue
· As a solvent, fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, K
b) Source builder, contained in protein
Protein in the body is an essential amino acid needed as a building agent, namely to:
v  Growth and protein formation in serum, hemoglobin, enzyme, hormone and antibody
v  Replaces damaged cells
v  Maintain acid-base balance of body fluids
v  Source of energy
c) Regulatory sources, contain in mineral and vitamin
v  Mineral
Mineral are part of the body and play an important role in the maintenance of  body function, both at the level of cells, tissues, organs and body function as a whole. In the availability not all foodstuff can contain mineral that can be used for the purpose of the body, and used by the body.
            Food sources that contain minerals:
v  Calcium is present in milk and cheese
v  Sodium is present in the salt of the kitchen
v  Potassium is present in meat and fruits.
v  Phosphor, chlorine, Mg and sulfur are present in milk and meat.
            The general functions of minerals in the body are as follows :
v  Maintain the acid-base balance of the body by the use of acid-forming mineral (chlorine), phosphorus (sulfur and minerals), base former (limestone, iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium).
v  Catalyze reaction in the breakdown of carbohydrate, fat, and protein and the formation of fat and protein in the body.
v  Vitamin
Vitamins are complex organic substance that are needed in very small quantities and are generally not obtainable by the body. Therefore must be imported from food. Vitamins include a group of growth regulators and maintenance of life. Each vitamin has a specific task in the body. Because vitamins can be damaged due to storage and processing. (Sunita, 2007).
Vitamins are divided into:
§ Vitamin A
Useful for growth, vision, reproduction, and maintenance of epithelial cell health. Food sources of vitamin A papaya, carrot, apple.
§ Vitamin D
Contribute to the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, as well as the formation of bones and teeth. The human body is able to make vitamin D with ultraviolet rays that come from the sun that affects the skin.
§ Vitamin E
As an anti-oxidant for various fat-soluble substances, such as vitamin A and unsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin E deficiency can cause blood vessel damage and alteration of capillary channel permeability and may cause infertility. Food sources: vegetable oils, whole grains, green leafy vegetables and sprouts.
§ Vitamin K
Role in blood clotting system. Food sources on green leaves, lamb, milk and dairy products.
§ Vitamin B
ü Vitamin Bl
Serves in carbohydrate metabolism for energy formation. Food sources Vitamin Bl includes yeast, liver, pork, whole grains, beans, green vegetables, fish, milk, eggs. 
ü  Vitamin B2 
Serves in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids, is also important for healthy skin, eyes, and nerves. Food sources of vitamin B2 are milk and dairy products, green vegetables, meat (especially liver), fish, rice grains and nuts.
üVitamin B6
Plays a role in the formation of proteins and amino acids, as well as the formation of carbohydrates and proteins. Good food sources are red meat, eggs, whole grains, and green vegetables.
üVitamin Bl2
Role to make the cell nucleus and the formation of healthy red blood cells. Food sources are liver and meat, other organs of animals, eggs, milk.
üVitamin C
Function improves endurance, fat metabolism, protein, amino acids, iron, and copper. Perfecting bones and teeth and preventing ulcers with bleeding. Food sources of oranges, tomatoes, and rambutan.
1.5 Healthy Food Terms
    In the provision of healthy foods in toddlers have several criteria, namely:
·         Meet the adequacy of energy and all nutrients according to age.
·         The arrangement of the dishes is tailored to a well-balanced menu pattern, locally available food habits, and tastes to food.
·         The shape and portion of the food is adapted to the baby's or child's physiological acceptance, tolerance, and physi- cal state.
·         Pay attention to personal hygiene and environment.
·         Healthy Diet.
·         Foods with balanced nutrition in a healthy diet are foods that contain.
·         Power (calorie) is required to perform daily activities. This substance is mostly obtained from carbohydrates and fats, only a small amount of protein. Food sources of energy and carbohydrates include rice, corn, wheat, sweet potatoes, potatoes, sago, bread, noodles, pasta, macaroni, and starch. Substances can also be obtained from pure sugar ie sucrose, glucose, or lactose. Meanwhile, sources of energy and fats include animal fats, oil, coconut milk, margarine, and butter.
·         The builder substance (protein) is important for growth and to change damaged cells. Protein is mostly obtained from animal foods such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs, shrimp, clams, cheese, milk, and others.
·         Regulator substances play a role in the smooth process of metabolism or the working of organs. This substance is found in all vegetables and fruits that contain various vitamins and minerals.
1.6  Tips and how to choose healthy and good food for the body 
1.      Consumption of Foods Containing Nutrition
Nutrition is very important for the body. Because we must need a lot of nutrients for the health of the body. 45 nutrients to be consumed in order to be healthy and healthy. Not enough just with rice or just a side dish of other nutritious foods that you should consume.
2.      Consumption of vegetables or leaves
Healthy foods are usually vegetables.
Vegetables contain many nutrients and all kinds of substances that are very good for the body. The content is something we can not get from animals, so we really need to consume the leaves or vegetables.
3.      Choose animal protein for the body
Protein derived from animal protein is very good for the body when consuming it in a normal dose is not excessive.
Animal meat contains many nutrients and proteins that are very good for the body. Ingredients that exist in animals there is also that we can not get from vegetables, so we are required to consume meat to complement the protein needs in our bodies.
4.      Consume a variety of colorful vegetables
Colorful vegetables are a great way for those of you who are choosing healthy living or looking for a variety of foods. In addition to making food or vegetables that are interesting to eat vegetables themselves have a good antioxidant content for the body and can prevent chronic illness.
5.      Use fresh foods
If you go to the market or to the supermarket to buy foodstuffs then make sure the food you buy is still in fresh condition and delicious to eat because if not then it will affect your body and your health. If you choose a food that is not fresh then it could be bacteria on the food you buy it will go in your body if you eat it.
6.      Eat Sardine, Salmon or Tuna Fish
Three types of foods contain high nutrients. Because the content of omega-3 or protein in the 3 fish makes your body healthy and three types of fish is including healthy food for the body.
7.      Replace snacks with fruits and vegetables
Changing the snacks you buy with fruit and vegetables is more useful because these foods in addition to nutritious of course healthy for the body.
8.      Reduce Micin or Flavor 
Things that make your body healthy one of them is to reduce flavoring if you're cooking something. Because using excessive flavoring will make the response is not good for health.
Although it is if cooking food with flavored taste will make it become more delicious. But the impact will make you will decrease.

3.1 Conclusions
Based on the above exposure can be concluded as follows:
1.      Healthy foods are foods that diverse, nutrition, balanced, and safe when consumed.
2.      The function of the food is not only simply to eliminate hunger, but more important is to get the energy, get substances builders for the body's cells, enhance the body's resistance to disease, and to ensure the smoothness of all kinds of processes that occur in the body.
3.      Healthy foods have the characteristics, requirements and special content for the health of the body. 
4.      Food contains many benefits that are needed for the health of the body.
5.      A good healthy eating provides balance in the fulfillment of calories in the body.

4.1 References


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